Start 7216 signalisator kit app. 1990 (remake)

Start 7216 signalisator kit app. 1990 (remake)


Update: The logo put in as an insert, looks even better before the airplane graphics I made New files: -the simplified case V2 comes a with lid instead of using a backplate .version with logo embossed .version with logo elevated At least true on my printer. Better outcome when printing the logo at the top layers of the part. This requires printing the lid with support. Feel free to print out the lid with the embossed logo top down, anyway. optimized components orientation and positioning allows placing a 9Volt battery inside. See the first picture. For C3-C6 take small capacitors of 5mm diameter, lay them flat. Glue the loud speaker against the inner top wall of the case. Start 7216 acoustical (audible) signalisator - USSR made beginners electronics kit. The circuitry produces a noise like twittering birds ( or so). Use it for a small door bell or any event you want to be notified about. It just has to trigger the input of a transistor on the pcb. Take a simple mechanical switch first. But any sensor output that hits the input could be used somehow as well. i.e. a water level sensor / switch formed by two elektrodes. Where it started years ago: Short article published in the USSR "RADIO" amateur journal. Link below --- Build history Years ago, duno, I made the bigger first case desgin, roughly modeled after the original. 2021 -the 2.nd design of a modified, more streamlined versatile case was made. -modified the pcb layout -new pcb was made on my trusty old cnc pcb mill. Eventually it turned to a fun project you could make using nowadays parts. 2022 A recently published new video on the signalisator started me publishing it on Thingiverse. Manual and video links below. For listening the recorded sample mp3 file: -DL the noise.stl -rename it to noise.mp3. Have fun. Some modifications were made. The generator works too using a speaker with changed R5/R6. On my signalisator thing the produced noise sounds best at Vbat=12volts. The stock piezo buzzer can be replaced by a small 8-32 ohm dynamical loud spaeker. Speaker size: -diameter 50mm -hight 15.5mm Connecting the replacement loud speaker: Connect the speaker wires where the ZP-3 was. Omit the resistor R5, increase the value of R6 by the amount of R5. R6=390 Ohm or even 470 Ohm works. Do not attach the speaker anywhere in parallel please! FILES: -printable housing, simple shape , no back plate (original was 85x85mm pcb) -pcb files for making your own on a CNC A basic application does require just -the populated pcb with piezo buzzer (or a tiny speaker as replacement, see the hint above) -a 9v battery -a push button, momentary switch, microswitch or similar (normally open) --- Taken from the original users manual, plus my annotations Full list of the parts included with the original kit: 1. 1* back plate 85x85mm (i.e. FR1 nonconductive pcb substrate)? 2. 1* Housing 3. 1* cover plate 85x85mm (cardboard or FR1 nonconductive pcb substrate)? 4. 1* holder (steel made bracket) see the video 5. 1* panel kontakt ? see the video 6. 4* flower panel ? see the video 7. 4* microswitch 8. 3* screw M3 9. 3* screw M4 10. 3* nut M3 11. 3* nut M4 12. 3* washer 3 13. 3* washer 4 14. 3* spring washer 4 15. 1* wire 1,05m 16. 2* diode КД522Б (replace with diode 1N4148) (cyrillic Б means latin B not V!) nonrussian readers look for KD522B 17. 9* transistor KT315Б (cyrillic Б means latin B not V!) nonrusssian readers look for KT315B 18. 1* ZP-3 piezo buzzer 19. 1* resistor 120 20. 1* resistor 270 22. 1* resistor 750 23. 2* resistor 2k 23. 1* resistor 3,3k 24. 1* resistor 5,1k 25. 2* resistor 6,2k 26. 2* resistor 8,2k 27. 2* resistor 18k-20k 28. 1* resistor 22k 29. 1* resistor 62k 30. 2* resistor 150k 31. 2* capacitor 0,022uF (ceramik, foil, does not matter) 32. 3* capacitor 20uF/16V electrolytic, aluminium, no tantalum) 33. 1* capacitor 30uF/16V electrolytic, aluminium, no tantalum) 34. 1* capacitor 200uF/20V electrolytic, aluminium, no tantalum) 35. 1* packaging 36. 1* pcb 85 x 85 x 1.6mm (FR1) Power: Battery Voltage: 9-15Volt DC max current 80mA at 15Volt i.e. Block battery Varta 9 Volt A 7,2V rechargeable (2*18650 or smaller) does at reduced noise level. It alters the chirp characteristics as well. --- The schematics consists of three astabile multivibrators, no special requirements here. The universal small power KT315 transistors Probably they can be replaced by 2N3904 transistors or similar say BC547. --- The original users manual (djvu-file) description , RADIO magazin Videos on YT: original kit build, user TNTSoft original kit build, user Dimasho For calculation of resistor/capacitor/frequencies see:






