Rotating filament holder for Sovol SV04
Hello! My SV04 was having under-extrusion issues because of the amount of friction the filament sensor, and static spool holder were causing. I found a print to set the runout sensor at an angle, but nothing to reduce friction on the spool. I designed this to accept standard 8x22x7 skateboard bearings. You will need (2x) bearings, (1x) 5/16" x 4" bolt, as well as (2x) 5/16" nuts for each spool holder. The nuts and bolts are available at most home improvement stores, and bearings are found online or at skate shops. The spacers will be very tight, you may have to sand the insides or scale the print up to get them on the bolt. The spacers should sit between and nut and bearing, you will need 2 for each spool holder. The bearings will need to be either pressed or carefully hammered into the parts. I found that sanding the seam out of the inside first helps the bearings go in. The bearing that is pressed into the side without a flange (internal side) should be recessed about 4mm into the piece for best fitment