Yet Another Nerd Solution - Pheatus HIC for ER20 or Thinker with Eryone sensor or 3D_BLTouch

Yet Another Nerd Solution - Pheatus HIC for ER20 or Thinker with Eryone sensor or 3D_BLTouch


Disclaimer: Use this thing at your own risk, it works for me, you are modifying the 3D printer. The author or the hosting site cannot be held responsible if anything goes wrong and messes up your print, machine or if your house catches fire. Use common sense and always wear proper protective gear when using power tools, grinders, drills, etc. This is a remix from Eryone, please consult with is link: Main objective of this remix is provide an alternative for anyone, to have a freedom to use it for all the Thinkers and ER20, and use the 3D_BLTouch if the Eryone Sensor fails. The original one does not allow to use 3D_BLTouch sensor, the x,y offsets are completely off. ER20 + Eryone Sensor or 3D_BLTouch Sensor (if the Eryone Sensor fails); Thinker S/SE + 3D_BLTouch Sensor. Please consult the about link for firmware, installation etc, etc.



