XY Cable Chain Bridge - 3 holes short

XY Cable Chain Bridge - 3 holes short


This is a modified version of XY joint cable bridge. I have recently built another Voron 2.4. But this time it was R2. I am printing toll parts and max hight for 350 build is 320 mm. In my configuration I have safe Z hope = 2 мм. So after print is finished, head moves up by 2 мм before homing on XY. And it was causing entire gantry hitting top frame by cable bridge. Even reducing safe Z hope to 1 mm did not help. I was right on the edge. So I redrew bridge, making it shorter by 5 mm. And also changing arm angle to be more vertical. It added some additional clearance between bridge and Y cable chain and free 5 mm more to a Z axis movement.



