Adjustable sight for hot shoe

Adjustable sight for hot shoe


Inspired by both Bikecyclist's Parametric Sport Sight and walterkort's Microphone hot shoe side mount, this combined them but added some adjustment - I found that the sight was aiming too low (at least for long telephoto work) and so made a simple adjustable one. This allows you to use the sight to 'rough aim' any lens, including a long telephoto, useful for tracking moving/flying subjects so you can anticipate more of the action or encounters, especially when shooting video. Aim the lens at a high-visibility target while locked on a tripod, then adjust the sight to match it, and you're all set. Parts are intended to be fine tolerance for snug fit - some sanding/shaving may be in order, depending on your printer and settings, but it shouldn't take a lot. No glue should be necessary. The sight is intentionally a little low so the slider can bring it up to ideal position. Assembly: You can print all together or separately as desired. Clean edges and insert Target into hole on Arm. Slip Slider over Arm so that 'legs' are opposite the Target (down.) Insert Arm into Base; legs should straddle the tapered boom of the Base. The Slider rides along the tapered boom and thus lifts the Target. There should be enough play in the fit into the hostshoe of the camera that side-to-side adjustment is easy. The hot-shoe offset is often necessary when using microphones, which tend to stick out the back of the camera and prevent you from putting your eye to the viewfinder when needed, so this sets it off to the side a little (can be mirrored for left-eye users.) There is also a version of the base without the offset hot-shoe if this isn't needed - pick either one.






