QQS Pro Dual 33cm LED strip bracket
A modified version of a LED strip bracket for behind the rod. I made this especially to be able to use 1meter of LED strip over 3 sides, giving 33.3cm of LED strip on each side, that size fits this LED strip bracket. Also, since 1 meter LED strips are so cheap I made it a dual strip bracket so you can both use a RGB LED (WS2811) strip and a white LED strip together, the white LED strip has nicer light color and more lumen while the color LED allows you to make messages visible (I use klipper with the nice neopixel addon: https://github.com/digitalninja-ro/klipper-neopixel). Just print the three bracket parts and 3 x 3 times the window part, glue the 3 bracket parts together, put the window parts on and install them into your printer. Screws used are M3 16mm size.