Squat wedges, heel raise blocks, knees over toes
Wedge to help with squat depth, or lunge depth. Can be used for powerlifting, or for mobility & strengthening. Ankles, knees, hips, calves, VMOs, butt winks, so many things that something like heel rising can affect. Or as a door block... 20 degree slope. Similar in size to the knees over toes version called ATG buddies, for those who dont live in the US and / or dont want to spend 60 USD on rubber blocks. It's a WIP and subject to edits, but I printed mine in about 13h, weighs 164g, fuzzy finish for better sole grip. Will probably glue some rubber from bike tubes on the bottom surface for extra floor grip. Printed with 10% gyroid infill, 0.28mm layer height, 6 wall line count, PLA. I think a car could drive over it and wouldn't crush it. If you use it to lift heavy, make sure you test it thoroughly without weights 1st. Obvious risk is slippage. 2nd risk is it getting crushed. So for 2 of those, you're looking at 5-10 worth of plastic and energy, I guess? I used an old purple roll I had.