Sailing Dinghy "Rode Neusje" - 1:87 scale, 1:7 scale

Sailing Dinghy "Rode Neusje" - 1:87 scale, 1:7 scale


I recently decided to sadly part ways with my dinghy, the Meeuwtje (, in order to upgrade to a boat that I could mount a sail and a mast to. It's been a while since I've been sailing, and I'd like to give it another shot. This is the Rode Neusje, bought to Amsterdam from Hoorn, and currently undergoing a refit, including a new polytarp lugsail and a mast and boom brought 42km on a bicycle from the forest of Lage Vuursche. Now available in HO scale - perfect for placing on those scuffed waterways of model dioramas! This is designed primarily for resin printers, and the example in the photograph was printed on a Phrozen sonic mini 8K. Remember to mirror (or print upside down) one of the front seat pieces. For painting, It was first sprayed with white enamel overall, then light blue enamel on the outside. After that was dry, I pencilled in the waterline and brush painted the red up to the line. Letting that dry fully, a strip of white decal was cut to the thickness I wanted, and applied to the waterline, using liberal amounts of decal softening solution and prodding to get it to follow the curve at the bow. Once set in place, the whole thing was given a light weathering, and I added some masts made from cocktail sticks turned down and lightly stained. I've included a set of files for both the HO scale boat and for a 1:7 scale version. The main difference is the splitting of the pieces, as well as the omission of the wooden strakes on the 1:7 scale model, which should ideally be built with real wood. It prints nicely, and I have been using it to test the sail for the full size boat. With a sail, it will tip over in a stiff breeze, so I suggest either weighting the daggerboard or using some kind of canting weight inside the boat. The 1:7 scale parts should print nicely in PLA on FDM printers.






