K6 Pro Frame

K6 Pro Frame


A replacement frame for the Keychron K6 Pro, based on the aluminium frame it came with. Small sides don't have any screw holes. The notched side clips on sturdily enough for my use. The "no notch side - no clip" file doesn't stay on by itself. I added a very very small overhang on the top of the no notch side by manually using my printer like an oversized 3d pen, which let it clip on. I've also made an experimental no notch file with an overhang already added. I haven't printed this, so I'm not sure if it'll work. You will need to print: - ONE notched side (for the side with the power switch) - ONE no notch side (your choice of no clip or untested clip on) - TWO long side (long side full was too big to fit on my print bed; long side split is the mesh split into two for printing) To put on, slide the long sides onto their railings. Then either clip on or screw in the smaller sides. Meshes were created in FreeCAD; the FCStd file is available for download.






