Nintendo Switch Mini Dock

Nintendo Switch Mini Dock


Hi all, Please see my version of mini dock for Nintendo Switch. I have checked few of these available here and found that the one from villekl is almost perfect for me - except for one thing. I do not like the way cables are sticking from the side of dock. Also wanted to have it on at least small feets, so I have designed my own dock - but was really influenced by villekls so I am making this as "remake" :). Also decided to use one of parts from original mini dock design, so I have added a link below. In future I would like to figure our a way and place to include original LED from Switch's dock, but that will be done in v2. v1 PLA Infill Density: 100% Part 1: Top - file: Top v1.stl Support: Touching Buildplate Angle: 25 degrees Pattern: Zig Zag Density: 15% Build Plate Adhesion: Raft Extra Margin: 15mm Part 2: Bottom - file: Bottom v1.stl Bottom Support: Everywhere Angle: 25 degrees Pattern: Zig Zag Density: 15% Build Plate Adhesion: None Part 3: Flex mount - file: switch-dock-flexmount.stl from villekl







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