F-14A/B Throttle Grips for Logitech/Saitek Throttle Quadrant

F-14A/B Throttle Grips for Logitech/Saitek Throttle Quadrant


If you aren't willing to spend the money for a custom F-14 throttle for flight sims like Microsoft Flight Simulator or DCS: World, here's a cheap alternative. These are custom replacement grips for the Saitek/Logitech triple throttle quadrant that give you a poor-man's F-14 throttle quadrant. They slide onto the levers just like the interchangeable grips that come with the throttle quadrant, but extend upward significantly, increasing throw on the throttles and raising them up out of the way of the third lever. I personally use these grips on the left and middle levers, with one of the blue grips that comes with the throttle quadrant on the right lever for wing sweep, although some may prefer to shift the grips over to the middle and right levers so the left one will be in the correct position for the flaps lever. Tolerances are WIP.






