NEJE N40630 Laser Air Assist

NEJE N40630 Laser Air Assist


I bought a tubing for OBI, ID 8mm, OD 10mm. There's the cutting tool so that you can cut a 5mm O ring out of the same tubing you will use to connect the pump. Cut right next to the wall, cut it straight, don't bend the tube while cutting (make 2 cuts so that the other side of the ring is also straight) There will be a gap for the brass ring above the focus dial. This is a design choice I made for printability. No supports needed, high temp resistant material is advised (PETG, ABS). The nozzle is 12mm high, because to cut the max width of material (8mm ply), the focus has to be 3mm above the bottom of the sheet, and that 17mm below the red shield, which is 3mm below the module's bottom. so there's 15mm between sheet and module, and 3mm remainging should be enough clearance, or 8mm when cutting 3mm sheets. The air pressure is not just building up inside and goes wherever there's less pressure but directed outside. There's separation between the laser path and the air path inside. I uploaded the step file where you can modify the OD and the nozzle height. Measure the OD as the 10mm I bought in reality was around 10.25mm (rotate and measure it multiple times and estimate what a middle value should be)






