Ender 5 Plus Direct Drive X Carriage Project
This is an X-axis carriage project for Ender 5 Plus. The carriage allows you to install BMG feeder and V6/Volcano hotend or other v6-compatible hotends. It is possible to adjust the vertical position of the extruder. My carriage closely follows the dimensions of the stock creality carriage, so no major modifications to the printer are required, only the X-axis endstop should be moved slightly to the right. The build volume remains the same. ----------------------------------------------------- The base plate is CNC-cut from 3mm thick carbon fiber. Aluminium also can be used, but carbon fiber is lighter. Parts that I used in my build: - Trianglelab DDB V2.1 Feeder - Trianglelab All-Metal V6 Hotend with titanium heatbreak - Usongshine Nema17 17HS4023 stepper motor - Stock Creatity V-Slot rollers Files include mount for BlTouch, mount for hotend wires, bowden tube frame mount and gt2 belt clips. For part cooling you can use one of these projects: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2769783 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3590464 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2486472 Approximate toolhead assembly weight is around 300g.