Sapphire PRO swappable head

Sapphire PRO swappable head


This is project to convert your standard Sapphire PRO (PLUS) printer to head swappable version. This project requires some skills to perform the modification, but if you (like me) like to upgrade your printer you may find this project interesting. BOM and assembling guide in the archive. Pros: Direct head with the same weight as a standard bowden head Well balanced Good fixation Integrated and easy belt tightening Easy swap of the all head or only E3DV6 hotend Allows the print speed up to 280 mm/s with a good quality Can accept different extruders No print zone reduction Y homing can be inverted Cons: No BL touch Compatible only with E3DV6 volcano hotend Cable management a bit tricky To perform a swap 3 screws removal needed and manual cable disconnection I'm pretty happy with this configuration. I was able to reach a print speed of 280 mm/s with E3DV6 all metal volcano hottend and black Esun PETG filament at 0.5 line width, 0.2 line height and 270°C temp. With higher temperature the speed probably may be at 300 mm/s. I will share my configurations of the Supersclicer 2.5.59. If you want to try my config, replace the folders of the slicer in the configuration folder by the folders from the zip archive (make a backup copy of your folders first). To find the configuration folder see the image above. For this configuration I've used my version of the superfly extruder wich you can find here In the zip archive you can find spacers for sherpa mini, orbiter v1 and v2 extruders. You can also create your own spacer for any extruder. This configuration is compatible with the enclosure To assemble the head and to perform the modification of your printer please follow the assembly guide which you can find in the zip archive. You may also look at the complete 3D model of the printer which is presented in stl and step formats. IMOPRTANT!!! To open the zip archive remove ".stl" at the end of the extention and use it as a standard zip. Next step (may be): easier swap head with better cable management Any questions, comments or suggestions please let me know! Best! Nik



