Walgreens Shockwave cutom knee joints
These allow a knee joint for Walgreens Shockwave. I call these the heartbreaker knee joints because they do allow articulation but they also loosen up a bit ( when I used PLA at least), and the uppers stay pretty secure but they don't lock in, so they promise to fulfill your dreams here might come up a little short and be frustrating if you want a perfect part. That said, these are pretty cool, and do offer the basis for a remix to make them better. Go easy, this is my first creation from nothing, all other knees for this were discontinued, and it was done on tinkercad :) The lowers are the same for both legs, so print 2. They slide in. Check fit, don't force them too much, you may need to sand the pegs a little. On mine, with the same peg, one side goes in easy, one side is tight and needs a little sanding. The uppers are labeled Left and Right for Shockwaves Left and Right as the leg peg they slide into is a little off set. The ball on the lower should press in pretty easily into the back of the uppers, I used a small needle nose pliers to squeeze, but not much pressure. I would assemble the joints first then slide the leg parts into them. These are small parts, I offer no support, always open to suggestions on doing it better and remixes. Go easy disassembling and assembling, don't hurt your bot :) I've marked this a work in progress as there are few lines that show in the thingiverse pics that need to be cleaned up that I didn't see in tinkercad or printing with my toybox.