Customizable Lens Hood

Customizable Lens Hood


Customizable Lens Hood ==================== ### Customizable settings: +**Inner Diameter of the Hood** +**Length of the Hood** +**Thickness of Hood's Walls:** when choosing one, please think of your printing settings. If layer width is 0.4mm multiply it by natural number (2,3,4,5…) – this will ensure that slicing program will slice the model without any extra deviation. +**Inner Diameter of Hood's Mount:** this should match outer diameter of the lens, where you plan to mount (e.g. glue) the hood. +**Thickness of Hood's Mount** +**Length of Hood's Mount** +**If Lens Mount should be extended** +**Length of Rounded part of Hood:** if you opt for flat type hood – enter “0” Simply open the design in "Customizer"* to enter the required values. Or download the SCAD file (text/code) and edit it in OpenSCAD software (free, available to download from 2nd option is preferred - the STL file can be generated within a few moments. Using a web-based "Customizer" can take several hours to generate an STL file. If you are not able to use OpenSCAD or getting problems generating an STL file, write a comment below with the required settings. I will generate the STL file for you and upload it here. **Please include the following info:** **+ Inner Diameter of the Hood:** **+ Length of the Hood:** **+ Thickness of Hood's Walls:** **+ Inner Diameter of Hood's Mount:** **+ Thickness of Hood's Mount:** **+ Length of Hood's Mount:** **+ If Lens Mount should be extended:** **+ Length of Rounded part of Hood:** [Follow me on Instagram]( "Medium and Large format photography") **This model of Hood is without thread**






