Variable Festool Domino Dowel Jig for Hand Routers
<h2>This is a Jig inspired by “Der Holzbastler” to use Domino Dowels without spending a thousand bucks for the Festool machine.</h2> The mechanism is perfect for dowels with 22,1 mm width and different thicknesses (at least 6 and 8 mm). <p>What you need:</p> - Hand Router - 16 mm copy ring - 6 or 8 mm cutter (spiral version)(depending on the dowel thickness you want to use) - 2 x 6 mm safety bolt in a lengts of minimum 30 mm (e.g. <p>How it works:</p> 1. Equip your hand router with a copy ring of 16 mm diameter 2. Fasten a 6 or 8 mm cutter (spiral preferred) 3. Mark the wood you want to join with a pen 4. Put the safety bolts in the respective holes depending on the thickness of your wood 5. Align the arrow with your line and make sure the bolts contact the material. - Optional put the fixation plate on your bolts and clamp it tight - Optional screw it to the wood 6. Put your router on it, drill straigt down on the left side and on the right side (only possible with spiral cutter) and then remove the material between 7. Do the same with the second piece and be happy with 2 perfectly aligned domino dowels. In case you want to dowel wood in other thicknesses either make it de-central, you then need to consider the reference sides or you can use the small marks at the side of the elongated hole to align. With my printer and settings i get a tight fit perfectly aligned. Maybe you need to scale a little to fit your printer accuracy. Have fun! Electronic tools can cause harm to people on wrong use. Please be careful using this jig and stick to common security rules. I am not accountable for any damage or harm done by using this jig. Use it on your own risk. You can find the Channel of “Der Holzbastler” here: Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: