1-100 Dutch-Belgian Soldiers-1815-Pack 8-Belgian Infantry

1-100 Dutch-Belgian Soldiers-1815-Pack 8-Belgian Infantry


1-100 Netherlands Soldiers 1815 - Pack 8 - Belgian Infantry 1/100 scale Netherlands (Dutch) soldiers as at Waterloo, 1815, for Wargaming. It would be really difficult to re-create Waterloo without the Dutch and Belgian troops...so... There are 10 sets of files for : Pack 1 - Artillery Crews. Use the French guns and limber from my French Artillery set. Pack 2 - Belgian Carabiniers - heavy cavalry - 1 regiment at Waterloo. Pack 3 - Dutch Carabiniers - heavy cavalry - 2 regiments at Waterloo Pack 4 - Hussars - light cavalry - Dutch and Belgian regiments wore pretty much the same uniform. Pack 5 - Light Dragoons - light cavalry - Dutch and Belgian regiments wore pretty m uch the same uniform. Some officers wore a cylindrical shako instead of the bell-topped style worn by the troopers in the same regiment. Pack 6 - Generals and Staff - only one person here, The Prince of Orange, in a number of poses. Pack 7 - Dutch Infantry - center companies and flank companies (grenadiers and light infantry companies). Drummers for line infantry and hornists for jaegers. Pack 8 - Belgian Infantry - center companies and flank companies (grenadiers and light infantry companies). Drummers for line infantry and hornists for jaegers. Some references show Belgian jaegers in Belgic shakos, others in Dutch shakos. Take your pick. Pack 9 - Indies Infantry - colonial soldiers - I found no evidence of flank companies, so I made only fusiliers. Pack 10 - Militia - also no evidence of grenadier or light infantry companies. ********************************************************* If I have omitted something important, message me. These models by waynemc65 are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.






