Berserk Lithophane

Berserk Lithophane

Description This was my first prototype of making a lithophane. I plan to make several custom prints for Christmas Presents and wanted to see what the different thicknesses would look like. If I have time down the line I may redo this one because the Guts image is a little darker than I would like, it needed to be printed thinner. And the eclipse ring at the top gets too thin and there are slight breaks in the print because of it. But overall I'm happy with the results and decided to share it. The globe is about 7 inches in diameter. For the actual LED light board inserted within the globe, you could search aliexpress for "moon lamp led board". The specific ones I went with are here Print the clip first and separate. Then I insert the led board while it is printing, for my printer it was about 13 hours into the 48 hour overall print time. I experimented with print-pausing from within cura and from my printer directly, but both of those resulted in a visible line and poor layer adhesion making the print weak. Prior to inserting the led, I had to do some cleanup to the hole first, cutting strings away to make sure the opening is clear. Then insert the board (it's tight) and apply some superglue to the clip, and fasten it with a small ziptie. You have to work carefully and quickly, have a steady hand. I broke 2 prints about 15 hours in when trying this. The first attempt had no brim, the second had a cura brim that wasn't sturdy enough. So that's why on the model uploaded I made my own brim in blender and just cut/sand it after finishing the print. It provided enough base adhesion for me to work without breaking it away.



