Batenna Wire Winder
The Batenna is an antenna wire winding solution for Random Wire and End Fed Half Wave Antennas used in portable/field ops. Deployment: The Batenna can be hung using paracord looped through the bottom hole (near PL-259) and then passed through the top hole (near Toroid). See Photos for details. Power Rating: Using an FT140-43 9:1, 49:1, 64:1 UnUn (16 gage wire) it should handle up to 35 watts CW or 60 watts SSB. By stacking two FT140-43s, you could double the power to 120 watts SSB / 70 watts CW. Hardware Required: 1 Batenna, 1 PL-259, 1 Toroid and 16 ga magnet wire (wound: 9:1 Random Wire, 49:1 or 64:1 for EFHW), 22 ga Wire with 1.7mm or less outside diameter, small wire ties, paracord, Bungee Cord 5mm. Optional: Male to Female RF Coax Connector Adapter, 90 Degree Elbow. Bungee Cord: To store the Batenna a Bungee Cord (5mm dia.) can be added and attached to the hole near the Toroid and wrapped around the wire once wound and slipped into the slot near the PL-259. I would like to thank all those who have proceeded me for the inspiration in creating this design.