MagPipe Connector
This is a magnetic pipe connector i designed for my ender 3v2 enclosure ventilation system. MagPipe1 Attaches to a 100mm or 4" air duct and MagPipe2 is the second part that receives the air. I designed this part to fit in to the wall in my house where the printer fumes will go through to the outside. For this thing you will need 5x10x2mm neodymium magnets. 9 (dutch amazon) i could not find any other at a good price so i went with these. you can easily redesign the magnet holes in Tinkercad to fit your magnets. you will need at least 16 magnets to connect them together. place 2 magnets in each slot, WATCH OUT, set them correctly so the magnets will stick to the other magnets, connecting the pipes together. Glue down with superglue or any other type glue that works.