Mood Box

Mood Box


A box to convey your current mood, with 3 selectable options. This is a fun project I've made for my wife, not for the obvious reasons, but can be used for many situations ;) Since the pandemic and with the need to work from home a totally new house routine started. Not only we need to live together, but also we are working together. This can create frictions, and a do not disturb sign soon was improvised in a folded paper sheet. Luckily (I hope) I have some cad skills and improvised a do not disturb sign . The sign was crude, but better than a paper sign. But I wasn't satisfied, so I decided to make a upgrade, based on user feedback. So I created a 3 option mood box. Before starting, a warning, this is a Easy to Print model, but its a pain to assemble. So be warned! You will end your day with glue in your fingers and might be slightly frustrated with the time required to glue the parts. Sorry in advance. But the final product is worth it imho. Having said this, if you still want to go ahead it this mini project, let me guide you for the whole process. Printing: Material: PLA Infill: 15% Supports: No, except Maybe-No.stl (3mf available with the supports setup) Change filament during print: Yes, 3mf available with the layers configured (Maybe-No and YES) Brim: No, expect for Shaft.stl Raft: No All models are print ready oriented. Use the 3mf as reference for color changes and supports. Check the DOC file for further instructions.






