Magnetic Gun Stock For Meta Quest 1 or 2
100% CREDIT to Sanlaki for the model design found here: Due to the original file organization being an absolute mess (Sorry Sanlaki, I get it though!) Only from his making various versions and that leaving SEVERAL Thingiverse users being confused as a result (See comments) all I did was the following: 1. Properly organized the files and file names for one version only 2. Removed unnecessary files 3. Cleaned up the parts list 4. Added direct links to the various-sized pipes needed 5. Added a link to the quick detach sling in the parts list. If you are still confused I'm not so sure you can be helped haha Jokes aside, please leave a comment and I'll try my best to quickly respond. The controller mounts come with 2 different magnet strengths. 90lb pull force for the trigger hand. 60lb pull force for reload hand. This is to prevent you from accidentally unmounting the wrong controller when reloading. They can also be easily installed and removed on the controllers --- no extra tools are needed! Reminder: Pipes from a local hardware store will not fit. This gun stock was designed for a specific type of lightweight pipe found @ Amazon. Links to those and all the other parts can be found in the parts list text file. Minor in-game issue 1: Floating hands - This happens when the magnetic controller mounts smack really, really, really hard on the metal pipe! It usually happens when reloading. Fix: Mount slightly sideways and be more gentle. Practice unmounting and mounting to develop muscle memory! Minor in-game issue 2: A wandering sight - This happens when aiming down the sight and the weapon feels like it's floating//wandering. Fix 1: Check the installation of your sling. The Quest 2 controllers are offset to the side so there's a high chance of occlusion when not properly installed. Fix 2: Disable gun and scope smoothing (Onward).