Qidi I-Mates Z-axis stopper & shock absorber
This is a simply z-axis bump stopper / shock absorber for the Qidi i-Mates. Sometimes the built plates just drops down and hits the limit switch bracket. I wanted to prevent this with some rubber like bumper. Made out of 3 discs that simply clip onto the bottom of the two Z-Axis rods. You will need to print two of them. The bumper has a bit play, to allow it form expand again after being compressed. I decide to use the Gyroid support as the infill for the flexible areas, this seems to work great in my case as it is stiff enough to jump back into original shape and the z-axis motor is strong enough to compress it to hit the bottom limit switch. Print in TPU and slowly. Print Gyroid supports at 8% density. Recue clearance between support and layers so everything becomes one piece. support z distance 0.0mm