Spare part for Durst enlarger: sliding piece for adjustable guide
Spare part for Durst enlarger: sliding piece for adjustable guide My Durst m605 enlarger has a transport damage where a [Teflon]( sliding piece is broken. Unfortunately, these are no longer manufactured. Faced with the alternative of milling and turning such a simple part myself would have forced me to get up from my desk and go to the workshop, look for suitable material and not have it in stock, order it, start up machines etc. etc. Since I'm a wimpy old man, I decided to just quickly put the thing together via FreeCad and print it in [ABS](,aps,85&sr=8-5&linkCode=sl1&tag=truetende-21&linkId=15f5751f0a8cd71c2f595337ab39a629&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl). Was faster than writing this pointless post ;-) Anyway, it's the part with which you can adjust the guidance of the exposure head, i.e. whether it's light or heavy, whether the whole head wobbles or not. Where you can adjust the guide, I show on the two photos. You should have a 2.0x50 mm screwdriver for slotted screws. For example a [Proxxon](,aps,85&sr=8-5&linkCode=sl1&tag=truetende-21&linkId=15f5751f0a8cd71c2f595337ab39a629&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl). Print the part in the position shown on the screenshots, you can use supports, but they are not absolutely necessary.<hr />Some of the links are suggestions for parts to replicate the thing and affiliate. If you buy something, I get a small commission. The price you pay is the same. Thank you very much.