Emco Compact 5 VFD upgrade control panel

Emco Compact 5 VFD upgrade control panel


This is a control panel for Emco Compact 5 after motor and VFD upgrade. I could go with much smaller switches, but I wanted a real authentic feeling switch, the switch is actually overkill for a VFD. In the pictures you don't see the new motor yet, but it is in the video here: https://youtu.be/Ax54fzstHps (The RPM display flickers in the video, but it is okay in real life) The control panel clamps on the chip tray and is really strong, the housing itself is 30+ hour print. I wanted to make one which is sturdy and use minimum support while printing, only holes for the RPM meter and the switches needs support. When mounted, I can drag the whole lathe with its counterweight underneath by grabbing the print, it grabs really strong. Front panel is separate printable, it is not necessary, it is hold by the switches and potentiometer. There is also a magnet holder for the spindle, as you know the lathe is really small, and you need to be careful while mounting it. Check if it is running free by turning with hand. The switch I used for the left or right turn is from Herschen: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07LD69K76/ You can use anything with same dimensions. Potentiometer is different on each VFD, just make sure you get one which needs 10mm mounting hole. JOG switch is one with 22mm mounting hole. Tachometers are almost all the same version, but the mounting holes can be a little bit different, that's why I designed a little bigger, if your meter is to lose use electrical tape around the meter, see my pictures how I did it, it is not visible anyway. This is the tachometer I used: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B078MH41VG/ It is too SLOW for my liking, but it works.






