Vacuum nozzles for all common hose sizes

Vacuum nozzles for all common hose sizes


A set of vacuum hose attachments of different shapes. There are 7 different nozzle shapes, each at three different angles. They are all repeated for all common hose sizes. All 350+ STLs are available at printables. All adapters have: - Hose sizes: 1", 1.25", 1+3/8", 1+7/16", 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5", 4", 4.5", 32mm,35mm, 38mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 100mm - Sizes are for the inside of the hose (outside of the adapter)@ - 40mm long connector at each end - 3mm taper on each connector, from -1.5 to +1.5 - Wall thickness of 2mm Nozzle styles: - Short rectangle 40mmx7mm - Large rectangle 70mmx50mm - Flat off sided 15mmx70mm - Wide with chamfered end 140mmx10mm - Long rectangle 40mmx20mm - Long thin rectangle 8mmx20mm - Long round 10mm diameter These were generated using a parametric openSCAD script. Both as a way to tune the script and give an example of the nozzle functionality. If any of these don't suit you you can use the Parametric model to customise your own, or let me know and I can generate it.






