Triple Letter Block "Illusion"

Triple Letter Block "Illusion"


I 3D printed and then painted this item that shows three different letters depending on what angle you look at it from. Designed with Tinkercad and Blender, sliced with KISSlicer, printed on a PolyPrinter 229. My first attempt was with Tinkercad, but it ended up being too fragile in certain areas. So I beefed up the model using Blender once I became more comfortable with the software. The main reason for the paint is that the printing stopped about 2/3 of the way through, and instead of starting over I just printed the missing parts and bonded them together. The paint hides the seam, but also highlights each letter. I doubt this is useful to anyone who doesn't want these 3 specific letters, but I thought it might be interesting nonetheless. A big thank you goes out to the very nice & helpful folks at the Fort Worth Library for being able to use their printers!






