Ford Maverick Cubby Flex Anchor (FITS and Blank slate provided)

Ford Maverick Cubby Flex Anchor (FITS and Blank slate provided)

Description The video really needs to be seen to do this justice. The way this works is pretty difficult to describe by words. - Essentially, a wedge is created under a minor amount of pressure between the top-rear corner, and the front-lower ridge that the rubber pad provides. - After using a few of the printed creations here, and seeing that many (of not all, really) relied on the use of velcro, or sticky tape to keep the inserted box in place, I set off to resolve the issue once and for all. - It even prints ALMOST without the need for supports; I recommend turning it on; It's merely for the lip on the lower front to print proper. Every else prints straight up without any support needs. It's pretty sweet! (Creative commons license NON COMMERCIAL. You MAY take this model, and add, modify, etc, provide Remix links etc and re-upload here on Thingiverse for free. You may NOT use this model to create something to sell on Etsy, or other online locations. That right is reserved. Sorry.)






