Ender 5 E3D V6/Vulcano Direct Drive

Ender 5 E3D V6/Vulcano Direct Drive


Direct Drive Mount specifically for the Creality Dual Gear Extruder and E3D V6/Vulcano Hotend mounted with the Klemco mount. Fitment is almost perfect as seen in the picutres. Assembly is a bit tricky its easiest to first push the bowden tube into the hotend and cut it a bit tool long. Then mount the extruder before the motor. You can cut the bowden tube bit by bit to get it to the perfect length. Lastly mount the motor by pushing it in from behind carefully. The way its sliced in the screenshot is the most reliable way to print it that i have found. Print with 6 perimeters (with 0.4 Nozzle). PETG or ABS is recommended but I had the mount out of PLA during testing and it did just fine for a good 10 hours with no visible deformation before i switched it out for the PETG one. This is a remix of another thing but i could not find the original thing so sadly cant mark it as such.



