Miyuki Dori street name sign

Miyuki Dori street name sign


The main model in the set - the Miyuki Dori name sign - was inspired by the famous pictures of the Miyuki Dori cat (if you have never seen it, simply google "Miyuki Dori cat":). But if I just made a model I added two additional Tokyo streets using the same design of street name sign - Namiki Dori and Hanatsubaki Dori (this one in two versions - "as is" and slightly different plate design) and a clear nameplate, where you can write or print your own street name. The cat is different from the original, because I didn't model it, but used a free cat model by Amforma (if you want to model a lying cat and add it to the set - it will be very nice) For scales down to 1:20 (even 1:25) I made the sign as 2 parts kit (pole and nameplate) with a more or less realistic thickness of the flat parts and for scales down to 1:43 - 1:50, I made it as one-part STL (scaled to 1:43, but, sure it can be used for 1:50 without rescaling) with increased thickness of flat parts and simplified street name. In both cases, the cat is a separate STL The height of the pole in a scale 1:1 is about 2.3m



