BTT PITFT50 Screen Case mount for V-SLOT ENDER
SCREEN CASE FOR BIGTREETECH PITFT50 Touch Screen I was inspired by this project when designing the holder: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4625496 This is a case for the BTT PITFT50, it can be mounted with two T-nuts to the frame of many printers, but is designed for use in ender 3 witch KlipperScreen. To mount it you need: 2x M4 screws with T-nuts for V-SLOT 4x M3 screws added to the BTT PITFT50 kit to screw the screen to the back of the housing, 4x M2 screws and M2 inserts to screw the frame to the back Start the assembly by screwing the holder to the printer frame, using two screws with T-nuts. Plug the long FFC flex cable into the screen. Then screw the "back" to the BTT screen with four bolts. Using a soldering iron, insert 4 inserts into the corners of the frame. Place the frame on the screen and fasten with four M2 screws. Carefully slide the screen onto the holder using the holder hooks. The brightness adjustment knob and the screen orientation switch are not very well suited in this housing, using them is inconvenient because they protrude too little from the frame, but at the moment I have no better idea for it.