Nooblaki Remix VR Gun Stock for Quest 2

Nooblaki Remix VR Gun Stock for Quest 2


I remixed the Nooblaki VR Gun Stock to accept standard 1/2" plumbing PVC Pipe, because I was having trouble with the clips breaking on the older model. This size of PVC pipe is readily available in any hardware store in the US to my knowledge. I cut the pipe 10" long but you could make it shorter or longer depending on your needs. I used CA (super)glue to mate the pieces together and also lightly sanded the ends of the PVC pipe with some 180 grit sandpaper before gluing. Finally, I wrapped the pipe with thick electrical tape just so I didn't have to look at the white pipe when its not in use, I think it looks better than the bare pipe. I'm sure someone else could improve this but with my limited modeling skill, this is the best I could do. Realistically, it could be prettier, and could be thicker at the attachment point at the base of the rear piece, but mines holding up well, and this model has been made 2mm thicker at the weak point since I made mine. Thanks to the creators of the Nooblaki and the original Sanlaki designs! I only used supports touching the build plate on the rear piece of the stock (12% density) and they removed very easily. Printed on the Creality CR-10s with Inland PLA+, at 215*c and 70* on the bed, at 60mm/s and 20% infill. I used a brim on both models but I have been having issues with bed adhesion, so it might not be necessary. Lastly, the holes for the pipe should measure 22mm in diameter. My PVC pipe was 21.6mm measured with a cheap harbor freight digital micrometer, and the pipe slid right in the holes with a very small amount of resistance. YMMV.







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