Customizable Wobble ring

Customizable Wobble ring


<h3>This is a <b>Work in progress!!!</b> I'm still testing it myself</h3> This is an oldham alternative based on <a href="">HevORT Wobble Rings</a> Reason this exist was because I don't have some require parts. My uploaded STL model uses paper clips (0.85mm) as pin, 4mm metal ball from a 605Z ball bearing (seems like 6XX bearings have 4mm metal balls) and 3x "1.6mm x 5mm" magnets per slot. You can customize pin size, magnet size etc. on my <a href="">Onshape design</a> <h2>Recommend config:</h2> * <i>pin_diameter:</i> 2mm but around 1-3mm should work * <i>magnet_diameter:</i> 5mm but around 3-8mm should work * <i>magnet_height:</i> 5mm but around more than 2mm should work * <i>tr8_nut_screw_hole_length:</i> 16mm, standard are 16mm and 18mm * <i>ball_bearing_diameter:</i>: 4mm but around 3-6mm should work <h6><i>note: add 0.05 to 0.15mm as tolerant for the pin and magnet parameters depends on your printer! Make sure the pins are straight and without surface blemishes!</i></h6> <h2>BOM:</h2> * 4 or 8 metal balls from 6XX type ball bearings * a few paper clips * minimum of 6 neodymium magnets <h6><i>I printed with resin printer using abs like resin but FDM printer with 0.12mm print height with no support should work too</i></h6>



