Ender 3 Pro mainboard case
THIS IS A WIP - PLEASE READ This case is designed for the default 4.2.2 Creality mainboard that comes with the Ender 3 Pro. You will need to flip your mainboard so that the microSD card is on the bottom. I removed the adhesive cable tie thing under the metal frame to accomplish this. There is space on the right side of the case for you to place your fan without screws, or you can mount it to the lid. ONLY 3 OF THE HOLES FOR THE MAINBOARD LINE UP AS OF 11/20/22. Since I only had 3 screws to secure my board this didn't really bother me. The 3 holes are the front left, front right, and the hole right behind the front right one. This is enough to secure your mainboard anyways. The microSD slot can be a bit tricky. You might need to use one of your allen wrenches to remove your microSD from the slot. Hopefully the chamfer helps with this, I haven't reprinted the case to test it yet. PRINTING HELP I used custom supports for the v-slot pieces. The support settings need to be "everywhere." Then you place your custom supports for the v-slots and support blockers for everywhere else. Otherwise you will get the hexagons and holes filled in. I placed the custom rectangle supports as far apart as my printer could bridge on the v-slots.