Cooler para Barril de 5lt de cerveja / 5lt beer keg cooler

Cooler para Barril de 5lt de cerveja / 5lt beer keg cooler


Imprimi com 3 paredes e preenchimento de 20%, ficou pesado e demorado para imprimir, (ficou com 930g), porém, fica prático para manter a temperatura do barril. A forma de usar é refrigerar o barril antes de usar e após refrigerado colocar o barril no centro, encher de gelo em volta e colocar a tampa. É um projeto simples, porém para meu uso ficou prático. I printed it with 3 walls and 20% filling, it was heavy and time consuming to print (it was 930g), however, it is practical to maintain the temperature of the barrel. The way to use it is to refrigerate the barrel before use and after refrigerated, place the barrel in the center, fill it with ice around it and put the lid on. It's a simple project, but for my use it was practical.







Food & Drink
