Potomatic - The TRUELY smart plantpot
# POTOMATIC This hosts .stl files for Potomatic, the first *truely smart* plant pot. Potomatic was born out of the realization that the 'smartest' plant pots available on the market today do no more than run on a fixed schedule. Potomatic aims to disrupt this by being truely smart and requiring no more human intervention than installing it and refilling the water reserve when prompted to. For instance, Potomatic can: * Adapt the light schedule to always run when it is daytime *when and where you are* * Adapt the watering schedule depending on the season * Warn when water reserve levels are low * And many more... Upcoming features include integrating a camera for plant recognition and surveillance/photos/timelapses... Potomatic is intended to be hosted on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Code necessary for functionality is available on [this Github page](https://github.com/Grootesque/potomatic/tree/develop), as well as instructions. Potomatic is free and open source. All you have to do is make it. And enjoy healthier plants. And why not show your appreciation by [making a donation](https://paypal.me/gfarand?country.x=FR&locale.x=en_US)? The project is run on my own personal time, and so this me (the developer) happy, and the project running.