Transformers MP11 Seeker Stand for Jet Mode

Transformers MP11 Seeker Stand for Jet Mode


My MP11 Skywarp didn't come with a stand and I wanted to display him in jet mode. Buying an actual MP11 stand would cost me a decent chunk and I didn't like how it looked anyways. This stand doesn't really clip onto the figure, it loosely holds it around where the forearms wind up in jet mode. It balances pretty well though, hasn't fallen once for me yet. The post slots right into the triangle 'eye' sorta bit on the decepticon logo. Can use glue if you want but it's a sturdy friction fit. A pretty simple print can be done with zero support material easily. Part files are separate but they can both fit on an Ender 3 print bed at the same time if need be.







Model Robots