Filament guide - pulley

Filament guide - pulley


- Infill 5% - arm 10% - base pulley 10% - base support 5% - pin 10% - pulley Designed and inspired by: Go and check it out :D Just printed the extruder due to "pulley-mecanic-like" theme on my printer and the blue color of the barrel reminded me of kinda "Max Steel vibes". The pulley's base was initially intended for the left corner of the structure, but didn't work too well. By this way, the support was actually made for the pulley's base. Pd: scale the pieces that starts with "fila_" to 10%. Sorry Pd2: perhaps you will need to glue support and base if they are too loose image1: designed for this position of the filament. It's driven better image 2: position not suitable for the pulley, but still works and not enough grip though



