Broken Folding table

Broken Folding table


Bills Mafia tailgate table... To make the table, print one tabletop and two copies of the legs. The legs should snap into the tabletop without much trouble. If they're tight, try cleaning up the holes with a needle file. You don't want them too loose though, so I recommend just snapping them in and working them back and forth a bit. I think it looks especially good if you print the tabletop in white and the legs in gray, black or silver. I included a broken table as a single unit (requires supports) as well as a table in two pieces if you want it separate or if you want to print and glue the pieces together at your desired angle. I glued them together but wanted a little studier end product so I created the two pieces welded together. There is a ring at the end because I'm using it as a Christmas ornament, but it can easily be removed with an Xacto knife.






