Ender 3 v2 Silent Board (any type of buck converter)

Ender 3 v2 Silent Board (any type of buck converter)


This is a remix of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4644985. I wanted to remix it so the area for the buck converter will fit any types. I have a multiple channel buck converter from my college days and thinking I can just use that instead of buying new one. Added: holes on both sides (one side is for vent + wiring, other side for wiring for any other use other than Buck Converter. Print: I used support with touching buildplate. Note: If you use Tree instead of Normal, it will do more areas - I personally like to use Tree. Once printed, I'll upload the picture. You can technically use this to insert other things such as Rpi or small mosfet. Note: Just like the remix, you can still use M3 screw to tighten it onto the slot. It should line up to the same thing.







3D Printing