Fishman Fluency Battery Template
I created this template to help position a small pilot hole when installing a 9v Fishman Fluence battery charger into a back plate on a guitar cavity. I've found myself trying to eyeball the position and have messed up one of my guitars as a result. Not anymore :) ** The template can also be used simply for making the initial transfer mark. You don't even have to drill through the print. ** Place the flat side of the print against the foil back plate to get proper placement. While holding the print against the back plate in 1 hand, keep flipping your back plate up/down to check it against placement with your pots, wiring, and routed edges in the guitar cavity. I made a small mark with a wooden awl to get it to transfer on the foil. You can widen the hole if you need to with a small drill bit. You will want to gradually step up your drill bits until you hit the 1/2" size required for the Fishman battery charger.