Arcade1up Midway Legacy Boosted J-block
The Gen 2 Arcade1up Midway Legacy cabinets have a control panel that's recessed 1/4" below the sides of the cabinet creating a lip that's painful on wrists resting on it while playing. This model is a replacement J-block that boosts the control panel up a 1/4", making it level with the sides of the cabinet and eliminating that pressure point. Print 2 of these, one for each side of the cabinet. This uses all stock hardware - the same screws are used to mount to the sides of the cabinet, as well as the control panel onto the J-blocks, and the barrel nuts can be pried from the stock J-blocks carefully and inserted into these. This could be potentially used for other cabinets with different offsets by editing the SCREW_OFFSET value at the top of the OpenSCAD file. Setting the value to 0 prints the stock J-blocks. Boosting the control panel up does create a 1/4" gap under it before the panel below starts. I've seen some people say they've used electrical tape to try to hide it, but I haven't done anything yet.