$10 Wifi Cam for Your Printer (Version 2)

$10 Wifi Cam for Your Printer (Version 2)


Some of you may be familiar with the ESP32-CAM module, which allows you to build a standalone WiFi camera for your home network - for less than $10! This is a great camera for your 3D printer as it works independently without the need for a Raspberry Pi or similar - it only needs a 5V power supply. And - with the right software - it doesn't distribute your video stream to remote servers. The ESP32-CAM can be programmed with the Arduino IDE, and software can be found among the sample programs ("CameraWebServer"). However, I have found another software variant that seems more suitable for use on a 3D printer: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-video-streaming-web-server-camera-home-assistant/ The ESP32-CAM module does not have an USB port for direct programming, so a USB-to-serial converter is required. It is best to order the corresponding interface board at the same time (see photo above). When programming is complete, the only connection required is a 5V power supply. I used the power leads from an old USB cable with one end cut off. **What's new in this version?** 1.) I learned that the ESP32-CAM modules are built on 2 different PCB types - one with 1.0 mm thickness and one with 1.6 mm thickness. So I designed an additional rear part for the latter. 2.) There are two different types of OV2640 camera sensors - one in portrait orientation and one in landscape orientation. So I designed an additional base mount for the latter. 3.) The case and its camera cutout is (very slightly) enlarged to support more modules. **Why did I publish this remix instead of updating the original entry?** Since Thingiverse (currently?) does not update the "Download All Files" zip after adding, removing or replacing files, you may be using the old files instead of this new version.



