Pinetime USB-C charger
After modding an original pinetime charger to utilize a USB-C port from a TP4056 module, I've decided to make a more "finished" version. This is the prototype for an open-source USB-C charger for the pinetime. I've designed it to use only a minimal amount of cheap and readily available parts, without the necessity to use a custom PCB. The only custom part necessary is the enclosure, which can be 3D printed. Maybe I'll even sell the chargers preassembled or as kit. #### Tools list: - 1mm drill for the pogopins through hole - 2mm drill for the pogopins recess - 3mm drill for the magnets holes - soldering iron - epoxy glue #### Parts list: - 2 pogopins 1mm diameter, length up to 20mm - 2 magnets 3x3mm - 1 USB-C breakout board, use whatever small board you can get. The design is spaced out for a breakout with 1mm thick PCB. - 3D printed enclosure top & bottom part - perfboard or some wire to connect the breakout with the pogopins In the first version I've used perfboard to connect the port and the pogopins. As this was quite a hassle, I've switched to simply soldering wires and fixing everything in place with plenty of epoxy. Note that this charger does not contain any protection circuit and the pins are quite exposed to the outside, so you could short out your charger or powerbank if it is not protected as well!