Hardware crypto wallet using a Raspberry pi Zero Enclosure design | DIY Project 2022
Assembling Video:- https://youtu.be/Yd29T5TbZRY This is the enclosure designed to hold your cryptocurrency in a hardware wallet. The Enclosure Design has two main covers. We used M2.5 screws for the fitting and you need 8 screws to fix all components. (For more information about the screws please refer PDF file). For the Covers fittings, you must use an uncommon screw drive type to secure the device. Part List:- 1. Raspberry Pi Zero. 2. Adafruit 128x64 OLED Bonnet. 3. Data Cable. 4. For the Screw details, Please see the photo we attached (M2.5) Electronics and programming Information:- https://www.pitrezor.com/2018/02/pitrezor-homemade-trezor-bitcoin-wallet.html Contact us to design your enclosure design Website:- https://www.skw.lk/