Snapmaker 2.0 Enclosure Door Screen Cover

Snapmaker 2.0 Enclosure Door Screen Cover


A simple cover for the screen gap in the Snapmaker 2.0 enclosure doors. I have moved a different printer into my Snapmaker 2.0 A150 enclosure (Prusa Mini+), so the gap in the door for the snapmaker controller is empty, so I made this. Simply print one of the covers, and a bunch of 'Cover clips'. It is easiest to match the dimpled side of the clip first (on the outside perimeter), and push the flat side down to clip into place. Use as many clips as you want but I recommend at least 6 (see pictures). 'Cover 2' has a clearance gap for the print bed of the printer I am using (Prusa Mini), while the standard 'Cover 1' has no gap. I have also included a simple cover for the rear 80mm fan hole, since I'm not using it anymore currently, and to help keep the heat in. STEP files and the original FreeCAD file is included if you wish to modify the parts.



