Reptile Rock Cave (split for larger print)

Reptile Rock Cave (split for larger print)


Remix of SafetyDance's Reptile Rock Cave. I just split into 4 parts and added alignment pegs so that I could print it larger and glue pieces together. I made each part 250% larger in Cura before printing. Will be used for a ball python. I used the original for my ball python as a humid hide, but my buddy who has a full grown one wanted one so it needed to be larger. Supports only needed for top parts. TL can be printed upward instead of laying down but I chose to keep it laying down so layer lines wouldn't be different from the other 3. This is my first edit within tinker cad so hopefully it all works fine. In the process of printing now. I did not think to add ant clearance for the alignment pegs so those may need a little sanding to fit properly.






