Winter Ornament Remix

Winter Ornament Remix


Remixed with an ornament tray to hide edges of multi color layers. Ornament Tray V1 is 6 mm thick, with an internal depth of 5 mm and can hold up to 5 layers. Ornament Tray V2 is 7 mm thick, with an internal depth of 6 mm and can hold up to 6 layers. Created with a 0.25 tolerance on the insert layers for my Creality printer. Adjust scale accordingly for your printer tolerances. Starry night background V1 has 5 mm stars. Starry night background V2 has 7 mm stars. Repaired clipping of Insert Layer 2 that caused abnormalities on the first layer while printing. Optional tips: Print Layer 2 twice to give the house added depth, both V1 and V2 trays will accommodate extra layers. Flip Layer 1 around to reposition the background trees or print it twice and flip one to add more trees to the background. Print the tray in white and drill small holes in the solid background for a starry night effect if you prefer smaller stars.






