Nozzle Wiping Layer Cura Post Processing Script

Nozzle Wiping Layer Cura Post Processing Script


Rename this ".txt" to be a ".py" file. (Thingiverse does not allow me to upload ".py" files) This is a script to modify the G-Code to wipe the nozzle with the nozzle brush modifications for Ender 3 (or other similar printers). It allows you to set the wiping mechanism to be at specific intervals of layers. I didn't want to wipe every layer as that is not really that useful and adds a lot of unnecessary print time. To install it, you will need to put this "" file in the cura scripts directory. For Windows, it should be something like "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<VERSION>\scripts". The variables for X start/stop are the coordinates where the brush starts and stops. The wipe speed is the speed that the nozzle moves at. At the end of the nozzle wiping, it should move back to the last known position of gcode that was moved with G0. For reference, this is essentially the Gcode commands I used (with my coords): M211 S0 ; disable travel limits G0 X245 F9000 ; wipe to end G0 X230 F9000 ; wipe to start M211 S1 ; enable travel limits G0 F9000 X100 Y100 ; move back to last position



